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Goldstein - Merchant in hope


We live in an era of secularization and individualization. People are free to decide what they believe. This seems like

a position of luxury. But it's not. Too many options to choose from creates anxiety. People feel like drifting in a boat without a rudder.
They are afraid of making choices that will leave them standing alone. This fear of isolation burrows under the skin, like poisonous vermin. Loneliness is probably the greatest of all fears.


The need to belong to a group is vital for each individual. Yet, in our world of today, this is a rear commodity. With our loss of religious belief, there is a great need for a philosophy that provides security. A way of thinking that empowers individuals and bonds them at the same time. A dream that unites people, a common purpose to strive for. This is where Goldstein steps in. This wealthy wanderer is a merchant in hope. He is a remedy for your deepest fears. Goldstein never let's you down. It's a landmark, especially for people who are searching for meaning.


A strong leader


Robin Goldstein is an adventurer at heart, who seeks to uncover the truth about the origin and destination of men. He is an Indiana Jones type of hero. A man with a mission. It was his traveling all over the world in search for truth that inspired him to share his thoughts in ‘Longing for the Stars’ . This book reveals surprising answers on fundamental questions as:  “Who are we, and what is the purpose of mankind?” Goldstein is a strong man who stands up for what is right. Defending those who are weak and vulnerable, which makes him an archetypal leader.  


Goldstein provides all the needs for a worldwide industry. Complete with a philosophy that function as a common dream and a range of services and products that aim to increase people's happiness. The brand Goldstein could be seen as a church whereby Robin functions as a living messiah. Goldstein is like a spouting fountain of hope. 





Solomon Saul


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